Alexander Moore

PhD Candidate - Machine Learning Research

Alexander Moore

I am a PhD A.I. research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

CASIS LLNL 2024 VLM 2-hour Tutorial Seminar CASIS LLNL 2024 Computational Objectness from Motion in Video Poster and Oral Directed Intern Research

Current research includes video processing for computer vision and multimodal LLMs. Developing a library for adapting arbitrary vision and language models to be multimodal for improved transfer to special domains. This research uses specialized lightweight adapter modules alongside low-rank parameter-efficient finetuning (LoRA, QDoRA) Future work will adapt fine-tuned domain expert LLMs and domain-specific data encoders to bring multimodality to the physical sciences. I am writing occasional updates about the design and implmentation of this research here.

Previously advised by Professor Randy Paffenroth for a PhD in Machine Learning 2019-2023.

My research spans computer vision, foundation models, stable fine-tuning, and transfer learning for deep neural networks to improve real-world application performance.

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